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CBR600F (2001) standard suspension settings

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 10:56 pm
by silverburn
Guess which numptie has lost the list of standard suspension settings for his 2001 CBR600...actually in my defence I think they fell out of the seat storage many moons ago, and I haven't been bothered getting them back. And the handbook's buried in the attic somewhere.

Anyway, long story short - I've lost almost 2 stone since I last rode the bike properly, and now the suspension settings are a bit off for road work; currently there's a bit of weird 'delayed loading' rear shock action going on, and a 'skittery' front end. I'd like to take them back to standard and re-work out the ideal settings.

Or maybe the rear shot is on the way out (only done 10k miles). I'd like to illiminate the problem by trying all the cheaper options first though...

Anyone got a list of the standard settings to hand?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 9:10 am
by Commander_Flash
2 Stone! I could do with loosing that, how ya do it Slim! :eek


Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2003 10:34 pm
by silverburn
oooh - it wasn't easy! Especially getting started. Now I've lost most of the beef, I need to regain a serious level of fitness for the French trip, and to burn of the remaining half/quarter stone. That'll be lots of time in the gym then!

Trick is to eat stuff that's filling, but has next to no calorific value. Surpringly it doesn't need to taste like crap though. As well as the stuff below, it's case of counting calories - I aimed for 700-600 calories less than average requirement per day - ie the av. male needs 2500; plan to eat 1800->1900. Basically it allows you to eat chocolate etc, but you have to compensate later on in the day.

2 x aerobic exercise per week, plus a diet of:

- no beer or alchohol
- no fried anything
- no meat (well, occasionally chicken or fish)
- no deserts
- no white bread
- no butter, cheese or mayonaise
- no 'cream of' sauces or soups
- no snacks - only fruit or flavoured jumbo rice cakes
- no eating after 8pm
- full skimmed milk and cereal for lunch & breakfast
- tons of salads, soups or half portions of normal meal for tea

I had my first burger (grilled and fat drained obviously) in 4 months yesterday; god, it was f*cking great...felt totally guilty so I paid for it though with 2.5 hours in the gym later that night though.

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 10:11 am
by al
That's not that daft Atkins diet is it??

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 12:14 pm
by silverburn
nah - all my own creation. Looked at some of these other diets, and realised I'd just be starving the whole time so I knew I wouldn't stick to it.

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 1:10 pm
by Backs 400
I called McGowans a while back to get the bog standard settings for my Kwak and they were able to give them over the phone...being a Honda dealer, they may be able to help.