Anyway... workshop issue... my battery is not very healthy, which I know, but ever since a visit to Ecosse it's not charging from the bike at all. I'd gone to Ecosse with a low charge and couldn't start it so Stuart had a brief look-see and said it was trying to charge but wasn't really getting far. He blew a fuse in the process of prodding and poking, replaced.
Now although the battery is not in top shape, it charges (externally) enough to be going on with but when I last went out (first time out after Ecosse visit) it basically ran dead flat over the ride. So is this a rectifier/stator issue, or could Stuart have accidentally done something when he was having a shufti? I don't know electrics at all so keep it simple!

It's a 2007 GSXR600 by the way.
Hope everyone is doing well and riding happy.
